By Super User on Monday, 05 August 2019
Category: Polished Concrete Flooring

Concrete Flooring : The most versatile flooring option in India

Concrete flooring is a massive growing trend and its roots are spreading in the flooring market in warehouse, retail, and decorative facilities across India & the globe.Concrete flooring has transformed more than any other concrete trade in the last decade. From conquering the industrial flooring type into the architectural and retail world.

It’s myriad features such as durability, strength, value for money, sustainability make it the new acceptable standard in commercial and industrial flooring

Concrete flooring has graced the space in high-visibility and high-traffic commercial spaces, such as retail stores, restaurants and salons. The better substitute for wood, vinyl tile, and carpet.

Concrete’s ability to take pressure and wear and tear is much more than most flooring materials. Add to it, versatility that allows it to be customized to suit any spectrum, is what sets it apart.

Concrete Floors are best suited for high-traffic retail facilities because of their durability and design versatility. Concrete flooring stands for durability, abrasion resistance and low maintenance.