Concrete Flooring - Pros and Cons

Like all floors, concrete flooring has a number of advantages and disadvantages depending on where it is used. It is important to know the prons and cons of conrete floors so you can decide where to use it and where not to use it.

Concrete Flooring Advantages

Durable  : Concrete floors are extremely stiff and able to withstand pressure from very heavy equipment such as cars, trucks, loaders, and folded crates. That's why it's such a popular material in hard-working commercial areas, such as garages and warehouses. Strength also means that the concrete floor is difficult to damage. The legs of furniture and the claws of pets will not scratch the surface. You also do not have to worry about damage from falling objects on the floor. Although scratching the surface of the concrete is possible, you must work very hard to succeed.

Easy To Maintain: Concrete floor covering will require minimal maintenance. It should be coated or waxed every 3 to 9 months, depending on the intensity of the movement, in order to maintain a protective layer above the surface. You can use neutral cleaners to wipe the floor periodically.

Environmentally Friendly: in most cases, the concrete base already exists under a different type of material and is below the level. This means that to form a concrete floor, in fact, you just need to remove everything that was placed on it. If new concrete laying is not performed, then carbon does not emit into the atmosphere.


Universal: As long as the concrete is smooth and free of holes, bumps, and defects, you have the option of mounting over it any coating that you want to lay in later. This gives you a lot of freedom for design. Note that the underlying layer may be required for installation of concrete and the material that you choose.

Long-Lasting : A properly protected flooring of this type can stand indefinitely. Even in commercial premises, it can survive in high traffic for many years. This allows you to save money, as well as preventing hassle over the periodic installation of new coatings.

Design options: When most people think of a concrete , they think about ugly gray surfaces with a sharp uneven texture. However, modern advances in the production of concrete allowed designers to achieve an infinite variety of colors and textures with this universal material. In some cases, the paint is added directly to the concrete mixture before the mixture is kneaded. You can already apply the already installed floor to the surface using the appropriate dye.

The texture of the concrete can be smooth when pouring the floor. Also, decorative patterns can be cut out on the floor when it is not yet frozen. You also have the option of polishing the material to form a gloss, or engraving it to create a tile effect.

Concrete flooring Disadvantages

Its Hard: The durability and strength of concrete can also be a disadvantage. The surface of the concrete floor is very hard. If you stumble and fall, you will probably harm yourself. Items that fall on this surface are likely to collapse or break. That is why these floors are not recommended for places that children or elderly people will often visit.

Inconvenience: The hardness of this material also makes it uncomfortable for standing for long periods of time. Concrete is not elastic, and if you are forced to stand on it for a long time, your feet will feel all the aggression of its hardness.

Coldness: Another disadvantage of concrete floors is that they do not tend to keep heat. This means that on a cold winter morning the floor surface will be cold for bare feet. This can be compensated to some extent by the use of carpets.

Susceptibleto Moisture : If the top and bottom surfaces are not well sealed, the concrete will be very susceptible to moisture penetration. If the liquid does break through into the pores of the concrete floor, it can stay there and lead to mold growth in your home. In some places, you also need to worry about the freezing of moisture that gets to the floor, which will lead to an expansion that eventually destroys the coating.

Environmentally Harmful: when using an existing concrete slab, the production of concrete products for a new floor may, in fact, have negative environmental consequences. This is due to the specificity of concrete to require significant energy and carbon dioxide in the process of solidification.

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Micro Topping Concrete Floors - Pros and Cons

With the fact that topping makes it possible to create high strength floors, everything is clear, but the question arises, why should it be done? In principle, here, too, all is more or less clear, but in order to understand this better, you should familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of micro topping concrete floors.

Miro Topping Pros

  1. Floor topping improves the performance of the surface several times - such a floor does not wear out for a long time and can withstand very high loads from equipment and transport.
  2. Reinforcements, rubbed into concrete, repeatedly strengthen its strength.
  3. Simultaneously with the increase in technical and operational characteristics, the process of dust removal of the floor also takes place - the surface of the concrete ceases to deteriorate and, as a result, no dust sediment forms on it.
  4. Micro Toppings prevent the penetration of moisture inside the concrete - in the same way, they do not let it out. As a result, the floor maintains a stable level of humidity, so that concrete does not dry out and retains its strength characteristics for a long time.
  5. MicoTopping prolongs the period of using the floor many times.
  6. Saving the budget for the repair of the floor, because the topping floors for a long time do not need to be repaired.
  7. Saving on the finish - the topping floors have a very attractive appearance and do not need additional finishing.
  8. Elementary maintenance and care - there are almost no limits to the use of detergents and, in general, methods for cleaning a concrete floor reinforced with topping.

Micro Topping Cons

10Cons ? would you belive, there are none - it's the ideal floor for any industrial enterprise, where its operation is carried out with great intensity and under heavy loads. Among the shortcomings can be attributed unless the cost, which at first glance may seem very high - expensive materials themselves and expensive work on the device hardened concrete floors. In principle, floors of this type are worth such money - they pay off with a very long period of operation and all the advantages described above.

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Concrete flooring

Climb the steps for peak, on the success floor of concrete

12The abode area specialized or selected for any office is always a place that helps people in accommodating and progressing for the cause of the same. With the office size getting deviated from different prospective, the option of concrete flooring is taking a more advanced choice. Be it developed on a single floor purpose or a multiple level one, concrete has got variety of merits on the same.

The possible traits of the particular factor can be analyzed and applied on the same base and results can be added to get more to it. The architect of the present concept does tend to produce or generate more ideas on a natural platform that has the basic tendency of retaining to environmental consciousness. Trending to the adverse effects of pollution and other catalysts going around the corner, it is the best solution to remain intact with the concrete flooring and get the best look in the area which is exercised more and on a regular basis of time intervals.

When one talks about the office flooring, it is mandatory to keep it clean and clear. Since the job is always on toes, each one tends to be very particular on the readiness of the floor that gives an attractive sense and highly good sense of cleanliness on the same. The handmade products and other natural resources seem to be the demand of the corporate and other office houses. Keeping the natural stint in mind it is pretty easy to stick to the guidelines of remaining composed with the office environment.

On a different platform it can be suggested that concrete flooring can be replaced, removed with new ones and reformed on a new trend as per the business demand or look and feel. The process being an easy one as it can be changed on a period of small time with the placement of concrete flooring sheets without hampering business continuance.

Since today’s busy schedule demand a role play on the toe job every time, it is simple and easy to work on as in spite of high pressure and rigorous activities being performed on the same, the floors do not turn de-structured; thus giving a positive kinetics to generate more on productivity. Defining the aesthetic beauty, appealing patina and sophistication to the core; concrete floorings craft a wonderful finishing touch irrespective of being applied in small to large sized offices and premises.

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